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A Culture of Philanthropy at
Temple Beth Shalom

These funds empower meaningful work across our community in areas of Temple Life that may resonate with you and have a valuable impact on the many people, programs and experiences we support.
  • Annual Fund
For more information about this fund and all it is used for to sustain our community click here.
  • Being Jewish in America Fund 
This fund is used to provide special programmatic opportunities for our teens, specifically those that expose our teens to Jewish American voices of leadership or cultural endeavors.​​​​
  • Chesed Fund
Supports the “chesed” (“compassionate outreach”) needs of our community during times of illness and loss, as well as in celebration of joyous occasions.
  • Children’s Center Fund
This fund is used to support the programmatic and capital endeavors of our Children’s Center.
  • Elementary Education Fund
This fund is used to support the programmatic and capital endeavors for children in grades K-5.
  • Emergency Relief Fund
This fund was established at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic to help sustain our members and community through the economic hardships brought on by the pandemic. It continues to be a vital fund to meet those needs.
  • Families with Young Children Fund
This fund supports community, holiday, and educational programs for young children and their families.​
  • Library Fund
This fund helps to maintain and supply our TBS Library with outstanding books, texts, and other essential resources.​
  • Music Fund
This fund provides music for the enrichment of Shabbat and Holiday Services and helps provide special music programs throughout the year.
  • Oneg Fund
This fund is used to ensure delicious refreshments at all TBS community pre-service and post-service gatherings.
  • Prayer Book Fund
This fund supports our upkeep and purchase of prayer books for our community. Donate in any amount, or â€‹if you would like to dedicate a prayer book please click here for more information. 
  • Refugee Resettlement Fund 
This fund provides support for refugees in crisis across the globe.  Contributions to the TBS Refugee Resettlement Fund support refugees resettling in the Boston/Needham area, provide aid for refugees around the world through financial support from global organizations, create opportunities for activism, purchase supplies sent to refugee camps and support organizations, and other refugee aid endeavors.
  • Safety and Security Fund 
This fund is used to sustain and enhance all hardware, programs, and protocols that ensure our community’s safety and security.
  • Sanctuary and Worship Fund
This fund is used to help sustain the beauty and proper use of our Sanctuary and Beit Midrash.  
  • Sanctuary Flower Fund
This fund, utilized mostly by our Beth Shalom Garden Club, ensures that beautiful flowers adorn our bima on Shabbat and during holidays and are available for special programs throughout the year.
  • Social Action Fund
This fund supports all activities by the TBS community that work towards helping to achieve a just, compassionate, and peaceful society.
  • Torah Commentary Fund
This fund supports our upkeep and purchase of Torah Commentaries for our community. Donate in any amount, or if you would like to dedicate a Torah Commentary please click here for more information. 
  • Youth Education Fund
​This fund is used to support the programmatic and capital endeavors for children in grades 6-12.
Named Funds​
  • Jerry Arransky Passport to Israel Fund 
This fund supports the Passport to Israel program which helps to fund trips to Israel for Temple Beth Shalom high school students.
  • Dr. Ted Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship Fund
Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship was established by David and Sydney Feldman in memory of a beloved friend, Dr. Ted Chamberlain. The program builds bridges of understanding between the Jewish and Christian communities. In partnership with Eastern University in Philadelphia, the Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship program annually brings together four TBS high school students and four college students from Eastern for a year-long immersive experience learning about the educational, spiritual, and relational aspects of both Judaism and Christianity.​
  • Feldman Community Outreach Fund
This fund is used to support strong interfaith relationships between the TBS community and those in the community at large. These efforts include but are not limited to the support of Project Ezra (our annual Christmas Dinner program) and the Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship program.
  • ​Gersten-Hoisington Scholar in Residence Fund
This fund has been established in loving memory of Shirley Gersten-Hoisington and Sumner Hoisington. As Shirley and Sumner were deeply dedicated to the Temple Beth Shalom community and adult learning in particular, this fund helps to support Temple Beth Shalom’s annual hosting of an outstanding guest scholar or presenter as part of a weekend program.
  • S. David Goldberg Memorial Fund
This is a named general fund of the Temple.
  • Irma and Kivi Grebber Memorial Fund
This fund provides children who are members of the Temple community scholarship assistance to help them attend a Jewish camp, a special Jewish educational program, or participate in a trip to Israel.
  • Patti and Louis Grossman Education Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarship funds for our TBS learning programs (formal and informal education - preschool through high school) to families experiencing financial hardship.
  • Richard Todd Sacks Lifelong Jewish Learning Fund
This fund supports adult learning seminars, classes, and activities sponsored by TBS.
  • Ned Saltzberg Memorial Fund
This fund is used to subsidize special activities and field trips for students in grades K-5.
  • Amy Sanker Kappel Memorial Fund
Funds are used to provide an outstanding special program experience for children/teens who participate in our TBS congregational trips to Israel.
  • Marjorie Silver Camp Fund
This fund helps TBS families with financial need send their children to Jewish overnight summer camp. Created in loving memory of Marjorie Silver by her family, this fund celebrates the important role overnight summer camp played in Margie’s life growing up and continues to play in Jim’s and Margie’s family to this day. In their words: “The goal of this fund is to have as many Jewish children develop their own friendships, memories, and ideals through camping which they may carry forward through their own lives.”
  • Michael Sockol Jewish Writers Fund
The Michael Sockol Jewish Writers Fund enables TBS to invite outstanding writers to our community so that they might share their writing with adults and youth. 
Discretionary Funds
Clergy Discretionary Funds are used by clergy members to help those who are in need in our TBS community and beyond, and to support the enrichment of Jewish life. Each member of the clergy has their own fund that can be supported.
  • Cantor Fortine’s Discretionary Fund 
  • Rabbi Markley’s Discretionary Fund​
  • Rabbi Perlman’s Discretionary Fund 
  • Rabbi Pincus Abrahams’ Discretionary Fund
Endowment Funds​
  • General Endowment Fund
Funds are used to create a permanent endowment for the Temple’s needs. We have two separate endowment funds - general and educational. We also offer several opportunities for planned giving to the temple community.
  • Education Endowment Fund
Funds are used to create a permanent endowment for the Temple’s needs. We have two separate endowment funds - general and educational. We also offer several opportunities for planned giving to the temple community.
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